quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2008

simple dinner...but meaningful

this is for you...wonderful dinner!

Today, thursday, day to relax a little bit in this busy exam period.. First Skybar, then we decided to go to have dinner... ONS. A place where we feel like we were in our own home... Cosy atmosphere... Familiar, completely. Me, Tommi, Daylight, Isazita, Raquel and Julia. Everything flows naturally... The conversation, the laughs, the jokes... The feelings which are even stronger now... And this is a thing that embraces us in such a way that makes us like family. The one we can choose. Everything is lived in these uniques and closes relations. And if in the beginning everyone was "friend" of everyone... now, the choices are getting, day by day, more selective and, by that, stronger. The people we choose to spend time with are, at this moment, doubtless, those who will stay no matter what, when or how... They will stay. Period. And for those who I have shared these precious days... I love this SMALL moments with you...[yes Tommi, you are allowed to make fun of me - SMALL THINGS!!!lolol] Great time with you!!!!great great great!!!!

Take good care....

See you soon...

[day and raquel]

[tommi, me and isazita]

[julia and day]

1 comentário:

Eszter disse...

great thoughts!!!these times what we spend together are amazing...and unforgettable...that is true what you are saying - "And if in the beginning everyone was "friend" of everyone... now, the choices are getting, day by day, more selective and, by that, stronger." we will never forget each other, our experiances what we had together, the jokes, the conversations, the laughts...they are ours forever, because we wanted them, we decided to be here, to get them and remember them forever!thank you and for everyone for this moments you are here and we became friends!thank you! eszter